
2. Less Maintenance and Parts

Avoid clogging and nozzles altogether


Streamlined operations with minimal manual intervention.


Data-driven insights for strategic decision-making.


through reducing complexity we reduce costs and maintenance - without compromising on quality!

Through replacing pressutized systems with fog, we don't need faulty parts anymore - while also cooling the plants simultaneously


Fogponic irrigation not only cuts down on a lot of parts and makes maintenance easier, but it also reduces the amount of equipment that needs to be maintained. High pressure is usedin hydroponic systems, for example, which is supplied to theplants through tiny nozzles. Unfortunately, this leads tofrequent clogging of the nozzles, which results in plant deathand significant expenses for running and repairing thesefarms.

In contrast to that, fogponic systems don't have to fight theseproblems. In fogponics, we don't use high-pressure nozzlesbut the ultrasonic vibrations caused by the ceramic discs forma tiny water droplet that contains all of the nutrients and waterrequired by the plants. This is done centrally, so there's less

work and components to manage..

It just takes a little stream of air to deliver enough water to theroots, giving them adequate oxygen as well. We can alsoprecisely control the temperature in the root zone throughadiabatic cooling by the speed of this airflow. The usage of and fogponic system entails a lot less effort and expense than conventional hydroponics and aeroponics, because these systems are quite prone to failure and expensive to maintain.

As a result, the cost of maintaining our system has been cut by about 90%, it is considerably safer concerning growth factors (including CO2 and O2 availability) and plant growth behavior, and nutrient uptake has been favorably influenced as well.

1. Fogponics

ultrasonic, efficient and water saving - fogponics allows new farms to operate on levels never seen before

4.Less Costs

By employing fog as an irrigation method we can avoid many problems of usual farming system - Mainly we don't need to carry a lot of heavy loads any more and can benefit from the possibility to employ lighter structures and concepts

5. More surface area

Through switching from flat shapes to round ones, we can optimize the planting density and the surface area of the farm

6. Better Heat and humidity management

Allowing heat and humidity to rise and exit the farm freely - using physics to ou advantage.

9. More light

By trapping the light source effiiciently in the middle of the planters, we avoid waste of light.

Discover how it works